Thursday, July 30, 2009

Embryo Day 10, July 31, 2009

I had a relatively relaxing day. I bought more tea... yes, again...saving it for later when I can enjoy it without any guilt. I had a great facial but a less relaxing foot massage. I am not into pain and this foot massage was a "therapeutic" foot massage using reflexology. I was actually quite stressed and kept the massuse relatively entertained. He told me to close my eyes and that laughing would not make the process less painful... =)

I accidentally scratched one of the mag wheels of my "new" vehicle... =( I was not a happy camper. My husband also called to tell me that the job he was keen on getting could only interview him today... not possible since he's in Chicago... =( Better luck next time...

Yesterday, I decided to look up the definition of being pregnant. According to ARDictionary:

Pregnancy 1Definition: The condition of being pregnant; the state of being with young.

This made me laugh... I originally read it as "state of being young" ... =) Jeez, that would make us all pregnant!

pregnancy 3Definition: the state of being pregnant; the period from conception to birth when a woman carries a developing fetus in her uterus

Based on this definition (3) I am technically pregnant. Yet, I am not excited. I am terrified. I'm doing my best to not really think about it, but it's difficult. I feel like I'm in a weird position. Most women wait for take a pregnancy test to see if they "conceived", yet, I will be taking a pregnancy test to see if my embryo will still be alive... I am essentailly waiting for the news of a miscarriage. Sad, really because this is truly looking at the glass half empty.

I also had implantation bleeding during my last IVF cycle, so I am wondering if I'll have that indication again this time. Looking back at my calendar, implantation bleeding happened on Embryo Day 11... our miscarriage last time happened on Friday the 13th, ironic, heh? =)

OK... time to submerse in positive thoughts... love my dog. He is so sweet and odd! He sleeps in the oddest positions, legs crossed or on his back!

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